dark blue

  1. blue-1.JPG


    Shiny blue pants
  2. Me slapping and rubbing my big nylon bottom in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants

    Me slapping and rubbing my big nylon bottom in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants

    This is me slapping and rubbing my big nylon bottom in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants.
  3. Me bending over in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants (with my big nylon bottom)

    Me bending over in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants (with my big nylon bottom)

    This is me bending over in my Large Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants (with my big nylon bottom)
  4. Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 4

    Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 4

    This is me with my hands behind my back in my Large Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants and the blue shirt.
  5. Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 3

    Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 3

    This is me (with the same blue shirt and the same brand and color of my nylon pants) with my hands behind my back.
  6. Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 2

    Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 2

    This is me with my Large Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants (and the same blue shirt) with my hands behind my back.
  7. Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 1

    Me in my Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants with my hands behind my back 1

    This is me with my Large Dark Blue Adidas Nylon Pants (and the same blue shirt) with my hands behind my back.
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