Your first nylon attraction .


Active member
Jan 2, 2023
Another favorite experience was this kid when I was in 6th grade had this gorgeous medium blue really silky shiny windbreaker with cotton lining. We used to do this thing where we play slap arms who could slap whose arms first. I love feeling that silky jacket slap against my arms and it made that really soft wrestling sound. One day him and another kid got into a fight, and the kid ripped it his jacket so hard it ripped the sleeve. The kid wearing the silky blue windbreaker ripped his jacket off his body and disgust and threw it on the ground in the corner of a playground. I then scooped it up and whisked it off the little boys room to feel it more intimately, I then gave it back to him later in the day saying I was trying to protect his shiny blue windbreaker from getting destroyed further during the fight. I wished I had kept it!


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2022
My day care lady had a blue swishy pair of pants, this was around 2002ish at the time and she would call them her parachute pants. I was just a little kid and I hated being away at home by my parents worked so much. We she would cheer me up and let me sit on her foot and hold on and she would jump around and sing to me! She went above and beyond and she became my comfort space. Next thing you know every time I was sad she would let me hold on to her pants and it became a huge thing between us. She would wear them more and more, which now that I’m and adult sounds fukin weird lol. Like maybe she noticed the pants made me feel safe??? IDK But she did!!!! And for me to fall asleep during nap time she would let me hold on to her pants with one hand as she sat down criss crossed. And rubbed my back to sleep. And some how 20 years later or once I hit puberty it all connected and don’t ask me how it’s still amazes me to this day!


Active member
Jan 2, 2023
For me, it started in earnest around 6th grade or so. Girls at school would often wear Adidas or Nike windpants and jackets. I thought it was strange but oddly satisfying to wear a jacket indoors all day. Hearing the swishy nylon drove me nuts. Especially because I had a pair of black and white Adidas windpants at home that my mom bought me to to wear while playing in the snow but my mom thought it was dumb to wear "snow pants" to school. And then thought the rest of the 90s and early 2000s all I could do was look with envy at all of those hot swishy girls, especially the athletes and cheerleaders who wore their nylon warmups to school on game days. But secretly, I had two extra pairs of nylon pants hidden under my bed along with a Columbia insulated jacket that I'd put on and play in when my mom wasn't home. I nearly got caught twice by her, and one time involved some self bondage, but those are stories for another time


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2022
Another favorite experience was this kid when I was in 6th grade had this gorgeous medium blue really silky shiny windbreaker with cotton lining. We used to do this thing where we play slap arms who could slap whose arms first. I love feeling that silky jacket slap against my arms and it made that really soft wrestling sound. One day him and another kid got into a fight, and the kid ripped it his jacket so hard it ripped the sleeve. The kid wearing the silky blue windbreaker ripped his jacket off his body and disgust and threw it on the ground in the corner of a playground. I then scooped it up and whisked it off the little boys room to feel it more intimately, I then gave it back to him later in the day saying I was trying to protect his shiny blue windbreaker from getting destroyed further during the fight. I wished I had kept it!
OMG!! I would have got hard as a rock seeing and hearing that sexy little nylon jacket getting ripped during a fight!!! Kudos for retrieving the jacket!


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2022
OMG!! I would have got hard as a rock seeing and hearing that sexy little nylon jacket getting ripped during a fight!!! Kudos for retrieving the jacket!
I would have got so hard if I saw and heard that sexy little nylon jacket ripping during a fight!!


New member
Jun 4, 2024
For me, it was my best friends older sister. It was the early 90s and I was around 11, and I went to visit my friend. I took my bike round the back of his house and found his sister there wearing the Glasgow Rangers football kit, a glorious mix of shiny blue and white gear, while practicing her shots (back in those days VERY few girls played football). I suddenly felt something I’d never felt before, and that image is imprinted in my mind.. I can remember every little detail.. how her hair looked, the patch of mud on her shorts, the purple laces on her boots.. that moment shaped so much of my wants and desires in life.

She asked me if I could help her with her goal keeping by kicking a few shots, but as I was always awful at football so I declined and ran inside to see my friend. What an idiot I was. That said I did get to see her wear that and other similar kits over the following years, but it never had quite the same impact that first moment did.

I bumped into her a couple of years ago at a supermarket when I’d went home for a visit. She really hasn’t aged much at all.. looked like she’s in her mid 20s. I bet she coulda still fitted into the kit too if she still had it!

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